Our statisfied customers

Besides our satisfied customers we strongly recommend Hammy for financial companies, insurances, public services, telecommunication industry and any company with a large customer base. Try Hammy, get your free demo!

"Our successful cooperation goes back a long time. Our partnership is characterized by mutual trust and always smooth joint work. We are grateful that we can be partners in spreading the news of the Hungarian Red Cross to as many people as possible."

Dr. Ágnes Barta

Head of Communication Department, Hungarian Red Cross

"We have had a successful and forward-looking partnership with DBX Ltd since 2021. In our B2B processes, we make extensive use of the opportunities provided by Hammy Direct by sending out our emails in this way for both of our brands (e.g. monthly newsletters and staff gift package notifications purchased by our business and HR clients), and this software also provides us with detailed dispatch statistics. DBX employees help our work not only by operating Hammy Direct, but also by putting the letters and processes we have designed into concrete form. The Hammy Direct omnichannel communication software and the connected DBX service guarantee that our messages always reach the recipients accurately and on time."

Balázs Pál

Owner, Feldobox

"Even in the age of digitalisation, it is important that our customers feel the same personal contact with their insurer as if they were talking to an adviser in the same room. To this end, our digitally delivered messages are personalised, addressing the customer on a specific need or potential problem, which still gives them a sense of personal care. It is important that we give you the opportunity to interact and give us your opinion about the service, and we explicitly ask you to do so. In order to ensure that the dissatisfied customer is not left with a thorn in their side, we will call them within 24 hours to rectify the problem.

Our advisors and claims experts have gone into „hybrid mode” in the digital world, combining face-to-face (telephone, video) advice with digital communication, and shifting the „paper” of the service towards digital channels. This ensures a personalised, fast and convenient service for our clients."

Györgyi Agárdi

CIO, Allianz Hungária Zrt.

"Our cooperation with DBX Ltd. on the Hammy application goes back more than 10 years. We value the reliability, flexibility, cooperation and professionalism of DBX Ltd. staff, which they have provided us with over the years. Hammy is easily integrated with our existing systems, provides multi-channel electronic communication, allows encryption when required and meets the strict GDPR requirements. The application is an important tool for our electronic communication with our customers."

László Ilics

Board Member, Generali Biztosító Zrt.

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